Serving Those Who Serve Others

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fa.cil.i.tate (verb): to make easier; to help bring about

Friday, May 19, 2017

Lessons From The Book of Ruth

"I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live, your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. I will die wherever you die and be buried there." (Ruth 1:16-17)

Wow, what a commitment! I will go wherever you go...

I love to allow the Holy Spirit to lead me and speak to me through Scripture, teaching me love-life lessons to apply to my life and the lives of others. Ruth is a fascinating story, full of love-life truths, but let me pull out just one (I encourage you to spend some time in Ruth if you haven't been there lately):

God will lead us to the right harvest fields so that we can be a blessing to others and He can bless and provide for us.

Ruth could have gone out to any number of harvest fields, but God directed Naomi to send Ruth to Boaz's harvest fields. God knew where Ruth would be protected and cared for, as well as providing for her and Naomi, and God used Naomi to point Ruth in the right direction.

God's blessings through us and to us, and His provision along the way, is amazing as we follow His lead! As we seek refuge under His wings He brings the right people into our lives so that in His grace there might be mutual blessing; us to them and them to us. God's blessings are rarely, if ever, one-sided. He blesses through us so that He may bless us through others. It's Kingdom love-life!

Thank you Jesus! Lead us today to the right harvest fields to glean from that the Owner of the field may provide for our needs so that we can bless and provide for the needs of others. Jesus, use others to point us in the right direction. . . to the right harvest fields.

May we be faithful today, trusting and loving God enough to guide us to the right fields so that we may be blessed as well as be a blessing.

Live today in the love-life of Jesus and His Kingdom,


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Back in Texas

Well, after three days in a truck, with a labradoodle who thinks she's a lap dog between Jack and I, and Rochelle and her mom in our Sequoia, with two dogs of their own in tow, we've made it to Amarillo. We were able to unload a U-Haul and fill our new house (thanks Rusty and Donnita) with more boxes then I remember going into the truck, set up beds, meet some neighbors, pick up a car that Shawn bought (and then take it back... that's another story), get Jack to baseball practice, enroll him in school, put up blinds (thanks Mema), unload more boxes where Shawn's office will be, navigate torrential rains, and stuff I'm not even sure about that Rochelle and her mom have been doing, Rochelle is making a house a home!

As Rochelle and her mom work hard turning a new house into a warm home I have been able to be with Megan as she runs from doctor to doctor, and early this morning to day surgery for a port replacement. Her treatment schedule is exhausting, but she navigates it like a pro. I'm proud of her!

Life is precious and when I find myself anxious about trying to accomplish more than I can, I am grateful for moments when God says, "be still." Well, to be honest, I'm not really grateful until I actually obey His words and "am still" in His presence. Being still is not comfortable, or really all that pleasant. But, heeding His words and working at stillness is not just about slowing down, or stopping what you are doing. Come on, let's face it, we all have  a lot to do. Rather. being still is about doing all that you have to do and recognizing His presence all around you, empowering you to do (or not get done) all that you need to accomplish.

I know you're busy today, and slowing down is probably not an option! So, instead, try to "be still" in His presence in the midst of your busyness. Don't know how? Take a deep breath, hold it... hold it..., now as you exhale whisper the words, "thank you Jesus for Your presence." And go on about your day.

Inhale... hold it... whisper, "thank you Jesus for Your presence."


Monday, March 20, 2017

I really did make a commitment to be better at writing in 2017. I really want to be a writer that people want to read and are anxious for my musings put down on paper. Well, it's now March, almost April, and this is my second post of 2017. Epic fail!

Have you ever really wanted to make something a part of your life? Lose weight? Exercise? Make more money? Be a better spouse or parent? Read more? Write more, ugh! Be a better Christian, not that we compare ourselves to others or anything? And you've done all the right things to make it happen. You committed it to paper, because we all know how well that works. Maybe you even scheduled it into your daily routine, but you still control your schedule. The original desire was there, but somewhere along the way your dream got relegated to the "I wish I would have pile in your life."

So, the big question is, "what do we do about it?" How about this simple trick, do it again. Yeah, pick up where you left off and start again. And that voice in the back of your head that tells you that you'll never finish this. Well, tell the voice to... well, you know!

One more thing, start over for you. Ultimately, I don't really write hoping others will read this mess, I write for me. Don't go to the gym for someone else, go for you. Don't be a better spouse or parent for others, be a better spouse or parent for you. Sounds selfish? Not really, when you make the decision to start again for you you'll be surprised at how others benefit too. When I choose to be a better spouse or parent for me of course my wife and kids benefit. When I go to the gym and exercise regularly not only do I get healthier but my family has me around that much longer. When I choose to dive deeper into my relationship with God I become a greater witness for the Kingdom.

So, here I go again. Will you start again with me? Let's do it for ourselves so that others benefit. Now I can hear the voices of the super-Christians out there; "we are supposed to do everything we do for the glory of God." I agree, but unless I do it God gets no glory. So, join me today, pick up where you left off and let's do this. Get into the gym. Spend more time with your wife and kids. Dive into God. Pick up your pen and write. Just start again.

I'm sharing your struggles, but let's start again right now. It's not too late. The world is waiting for you and you have something to offer.

Let's go, let's do this thing...

Monday, January 2, 2017

Breath of Life

"Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." Genesis 2:7 (NASB)

In Genesis chapter 1 we discover that God created us in His own image, but we need Genesis 2 to explain life. Life is the very breath of God, breathed into us by a living God. 

Genesis 3 tells us that sin stole life from us as God intended, but sin did not steal God's image from us. Sin can bury God's image deep within, but when life is breathed into us through Jesus God's image begins to resurface and shape us into that image. We are still created in the image of God, but we need His breath breathed into us by Jesus.

Father, right now Satan is trying to steal life from people. Jesus taught us that the Devil only comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), but that is not the end of His teaching. Immediately Jesus says that He came to not only give life, but to give life to the full (abundantly, exceedingly, to the extreme). He came to breath life into us! (John 10:10)

Those yet to believe in Jesus for salvation have been deceived about who they are and the image they bear. Often times they gasp for breath living lives under the lies of the enemy. Believers in Jesus often have life stolen from them too. Circumstances of life have stolen their breath away as they struggle in their own strength rather than relying on the One who is victorious over our battles.

But we weren't created that way. We were created in the image of God and to exist on His breath, not our own - gasping for air. What a fundamental truth of God's Word: 1) we are created in God's image, with the ability to have His heart and mind, to know His will and live according to His purpose; and 2) that in Christ we can receive His breath of life to live out His life in a broken world. 

Whether for the first time, calling out to Jesus for salvation and receiving His breath of life, or in need of a fresh breath of life, call out to Jesus today and stop gasping for air, living lives under the lie of the enemy. Enter into 2017 with a fresh breath of Heaven breathed into you by a gracious and loving God.

You were created for life! Breath on us today Breath of Heaven, breath on us today!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

So much going on it's hard to keep up, but the Lord notices what you are doing

Have you ever felt like that? So much going on in your life that you're really not sure you are accomplishing anything? It's been that kind of crazy few weeks at Mission: GO Detroit. First, since being unable to renegotiate a new lease with our previous landlord we were blessed by the favor of the Lord with an incredible new space just 1 mile north of our previous space. It is larger, more adequate for our needs, and beautiful inside and out. What a blessing the Lord provided as we were not sure of our next step. So, over Thanksgiving weekend we rounded up as many able bodies as we could and made the one mile move north. Honestly, it may be just as easy to move across country as it is to move up the street.

Couple that with increasing opportunities for service and ministry, and actually having to learn to say "no" to some things, has kept us hopping. Rochelle is working part time with the home school partnership, we continue to teach 3 classes outside the dojo, and are being asked to give special presentations across the area. As I write this I am preparing for one this evening to 50 Boy Scouts working on a Fitness Badge. Again, wondering in all this busyness if we are accomplishing anything.

But as I've been spending this fall in the Book of Psalms I was reminded that the Lord does take notice of what we are doing, especially as others look to us as an example. That was great confirmation for me in this hectic Urban Missionary lifestyle. The Lord notices.

It's a crazy-busy time of the year. If you're not careful you may actually run into yourself in the hallway coming and going. Work, kids, school, hobbies... CHRISTMAS! By the way, please do not miss CHRISTMAS! But remember this, the Lord notices what you are doing. He sees your labors.

Stay faithful and enjoy the journey.

Just a simple thought as I watch the snow fall in Metro Detroit,


Monday, November 7, 2016

A Man of One Book

It has been an extended period of time since my last blog post. During that time the Lord has been impressing, actually reimpressing, some things on my heart.

A couple weeks ago a dear friend and colleague asked me what I have been reading? He knows me well enough to know that I always have 2 or 3 books going at the same time, which I kind of do. But the Lord has really been laying it on my heart during 2016 to be a man of but one Book. In lingering in the Psalms to end out 2016 I am reminded that the Psalmist in Psalm 1 (I credit David) was a man of one book; "But his delight is in the law of the Lord (God's Word), and in His law he meditates day and night" (Psalm 1:2).

People and busyness can easily lead us astray, and I have found myself astray from God some in 2016. Not venturing into sin as some might assume, but astray with the busyness of ministry and people. I need to reconnect in intimacy with my God. Only one Book can help me do that. Why, because being a man of one Book produces the kind of man God is desiring (Psalm 1:3). I know what it is to be planted firmly like a tree by streams of living water, and I know what it is to allow people and ministry to drain me and pull me away from that stream. I need to drive my roots back down and tap into His stream again.

To be planted firmly like a tree by streams of living water (Jesus) so that not only am I growing into the stature of a man that God desires, but so that others around me are feeding from the fruit He is producing in me, His Love-Life. As I drink and feed from Jesus other drink and feed from me. Standing firmly rooted by the River of Life (John 7:37-38) not only preserves life but it produces life as the Love-Life of Jesus flows through me to others. Like the Psalmist knew, this is only possible if my roots are deep, firmly rooted in Christ.

Firm roots produce prosperity. Not prosperity that the wicked, or sinner, or scoffer will ever understand. But prosperity is intimacy with Christ, sharing and doing life with Him so that His Love-Life flows through me so that others can eat and drink of Jesus as the River of Life. This is nothing of my own doing, but it is testifying with the Apostle Paul that, "I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loves me, and delivered Himself up for me" (Galatians 2:20), so that in His righteousness I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death" (Philippians 3:9-10).

In the Love-Life of Christ I see nothing of surrender, but rather sacrifice. Surrrender speaks to defeat. Christ was not defeated on the cross and I am not defeated when I give my life to Him. Scripture calls for us to be living sacrifices (Romans 12:1), which is not being defeated but rather gaining victory when we present ourselves as living sacrifices. Being a living sacrifice allows us to no longer look like the world or partake of its acceptable ways (Psalm 1:1), but to look and live like Jesus. It is not surrender because of defeat, it is living sacrifice unto victory (1 John 5:4).

Surrender concedes defeat. Christ did not surrender and concede defeat. Rather, Christ sacrificed His life in order to gain for us something better. When we stop surrendering as if God has finally broke us down and defeated us and choose to sacrifice our lives for something better life takes on new meaning and victory as the Love-Life of Christ flows in and through us as a stream of living water (John 7:38).

God's Word teaches this, so for this season of my life I choose to be a man of one Book (Psalm 1:2). I'm not looking for someone else to tell me what God's Word says, I'm believing in the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to lead me into all truth (John 16:13-15).

So, what are you reading?

Find the backdoor into people's lives and make your way in with the Love-Life of Christ,

A Man of One Book

It has been an extended period of time since my last blog post. During that time the Lord has been impressing, actually reimpressing, some things on my heart.

A couple weeks ago a dear friend and colleague asked me what I have been reading? He knows me well enough to know that I always have 2 or 3 books going at the same time, which I kind of do. But the Lord has really been laying it on my heart during 2016 to be a man of but one Book. In lingering in the Psalms to end out 2016 I am reminded that the Psalmist in Psalm 1 (I credit David) was a man of one book; "But his delight is in the law of the Lord (God's Word), and in His law he meditates day and night" (Psalm 1:2).

People and busyness can easily lead us astray, and I have found myself astray from God some in 2016. Not venturing into sin as some might assume, but astray with the busyness of ministry and people. I need to reconnect in intimacy with my God. Only one Book can help me do that. Why, because being a man of one Book produces the kind of man God is desiring (Psalm 1:3). I know what it is to be planted firmly like a tree by streams of living water, and I know what it is to allow people and ministry to drain me and pull me away from that stream. I need to drive my roots back down and tap into His stream again.

To be planted firmly like a tree by streams of living water (Jesus) so that not only am I growing into the stature of a man that God desires, but so that others around me are feeding from the fruit He is producing in me, His Love-Life. As I drink and feed from Jesus other drink and feed from me. Standing firmly rooted by the River of Life (John 7:37-38) not only preserves life but it produces life as the Love-Life of Jesus flows through me to others. Like the Psalmist knew, this is only possible if my roots are deep, firmly rooted in Christ.

Firm roots produce prosperity. Not prosperity that the wicked, or sinner, or scoffer will ever understand. But prosperity is intimacy with Christ, sharing and doing life with Him so that His Love-Life flows through me so that others can eat and drink of Jesus as the River of Life. This is nothing of my own doing, but it is testifying with the Apostle Paul that, "I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loves me, and delivered Himself up for me" (Galatians 2:20), so that in His righteousness I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death" (Philippians 3:9-10).

In the Love-Life of Christ I see nothing of surrender, but rather sacrifice. Surrrender speaks to defeat. Christ was not defeated on the cross and I am not defeated when I give my life to Him. Scripture calls for us to be living sacrifices (Romans 12:1), which is not being defeated but rather gaining victory when we present ourselves as living sacrifices. Being a living sacrifice allows us to no longer look like the world or partake of its acceptable ways (Psalm 1:1), but to look and live like Jesus. It is not surrender because of defeat, it is living sacrifice unto victory (1 John 5:4).

Surrender concedes defeat. Christ did not surrender and concede defeat. Rather, Christ sacrificed His life in order to gain for us something better. When we stop surrendering as if God has finally broke us down and defeated us and choose to sacrifice our lives for something better life takes on new meaning and victory as the Love-Life of Christ flows in and through us as a stream of living water (John 7:38).

God's Word teaches this, so for this season of my life I choose to be a man of one Book (Psalm 1:2). I'm not looking for someone else to tell me what God's Word says, I'm believing in the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to lead me into all truth (John 16:13-15).

So, what are you reading?

Find the backdrop into people's lives and make your way in with the Love-Life of Christ,